Thursday, October 17, 2013

An Unexpected Visit From Vivien

The door bell rang and there stood Vivien to my surprise and warm welcome, with plans to spend the whole day with me.  We decided to make the most of this picturesque day by driving through the country and getting some pictures. 

About to jump
It was a good year for the farmers in our area.  The corn stood tall in the field.  The wheat waved richly golden and the big round bales of hay were ready to be stored for the winter.  I used to buy the big round bales for our horses when hay was running low towards the end of winter and before the first cutting of spring.  There is nothing like the smell of fresh cut hay.  

Against an old board fence
I was able to snap a lot of pictures of my photogenic granddaughter doing her jumps and twirls off the hay and walking through the tall grass.  She is beautiful!  She has her mother's sense of humor and her father's handsome, dark features.  She also has the desire to grow up too fast and miss these fleeting years of youth. I would like to see her take a deep breath and walk slowly through these tender years.  Why do we want to rush into adulthood?  I guess it's because we want to go our own way without having to answer to anyone.  We're all like that to some degree. We like doing what we want, when we want.  She will learn that accountability and responsibility are lifetime obligations.   For now, I would like to see her live her life in a way that will please God and enjoy her youth before embarking into the world of adulthood.  That will come!  

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