Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Master at Work


My gentle Louie  introduced himself  to a new acquaintance today.   Having been attacked a couple times by vicious dogs, he still remains a well socialized dog with the willingness and eagerness to make a new friend any chance he gets.


We met a puppy during our morning walk.  There was no fence to prevent Louie from approaching this happy, welcoming, albeit a little skepticle, puppy.  Having been in Collie rescue with Louie for years, I knew this puppy was safe around him.  Louie is well socialized, sensitive, and shows empathy towards other dogs. He would notice the shy Collies that were too timid to run and play and would engage them by nipping at their feet excitedly or jumping in the most ridiculous fashion to get their attention.  He had a way of drawing them out of themselves turning them around, almost single handedly, to where they could be adopted into forever homes.  I have seen Louie lay down next to a crying Collie pup that had to be crated. The pup soon quieted down and fell asleep snuggled against Louie's back with the bars of the crate between them.  

I let Lou approach the pup as I stood back and watched with wonder the easy way he had with other dogs.  Within minutes they were fast friends at play.  The pup whined when we left him to continue on our walk.  It was a pleasant sight to watch a master at work making a new friend.
A master at work making a new friend

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